Our vision is to provide a safe and healthy working environment that continuously attracts and retains people of the highest calibre and creates a working environment where they feel inspired to drive our impact and growth.
We firmly aim to have employees with a strong and in-depth knowledge of our company objectives and values, as we believe this knowledge will enable them to perform with greater enthusiasm, skill and motivation and thereby consistently deliver high quality products to our customers.
Ensure all our employees recognize Espersen as a good and safe place to work, wherever we are in the world.
Member of SEDEX. Maintain the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) as our baseline standard and review it regularly for continuous improvement.
Ensure at least 25% of appointed Board members are women by 2025.
- Develop a strategy to improve a more even gender distribution at all levels of management and analyze significant risks related to health and safety in the workplace and develop an action plan to minimize these risks